We will be serving our community in BIG ways! If you would like to be involved with any group, just let us know! We will get you connected! Each group will be on their own timeline Between April 19th and 21st.

McGraw Small Group: FREE Traveling Yard Sale

Dempsey Small Group: FREE Yard Sale, Sciotoville Naz Clean up Project, and The Potters House Volunteer Project

Cooper small Group: Lunch and dinner provided at local organizations

Reffit & Kennedy Small Group: Yard and landscape cleanup

Pritchard & Craft Small Group: Nursing Home Ministry

Martin & Swords Small Group: Yard and landscape cleanup

Harris *JOY Small Group: Helping the Homeless

Anderson, Zornes & Rawlins Small Group: Donations for habitat for Humanity ReStore

Donations needed: Home goods, furniture, home decor for Habitat for Humanity

                                   Items for Yard Sales

                                   Ladies purses


Saturday April 20th Schedule: 8:30am Meet at the church for Coffee & Donuts and prayer

                                                      9am to NOON Community Cleanup, Donut Drop off to Healthcare and First Responders


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